How to get the woollies off of the worriers!
I cant say clipping is my strongest skill, it is, however, something that I enjoy doing and paired with a bit of training, well who can complain?! The task I was recently presented with was the clipping of two hunters, both of which can get nervous and be difficult to clip. The gelding can take a week to fully clip, doing a little at a time over a number of days, and the mare that I had to do has been sedated for the past three years or so after being nervous and kicking someone quite badly. I have the advantage of knowing both horses well and working with them on a regular basis. However I had no access to sedation of any kind, so this was going to have to be achieved using a different method, or methods. I started off with the gelding. He is a lovely boy but he is big and he knows it, so when he decides enough is enough then the easiest option in his mind is to become a tank. Human vs tank... you do the maths. His attitude used to real...